
The Hellabeem campus in Sri Lanka consists of four hectares (10 acres) of land in the south of Sri Lanka. This land was purchased by the founders Jan van Beek and Helène Heijen. In 2004 this land was donated to the Trust Hellabeem Sri Lanka. Click here for the location.

Helène Heijen and Jan van Beek decided during one of their trips to switch gears and start a development project. Helène comes from a therapeutic background, and Jan has a technical background. Together they had sufficient expertise to start the Hellabeem project. The purpose of the foundation in The Netherlands, run as a volunteer organization, is fundraising for Hellabeem Sri Lanka.

In late 2006 Helène and Jan left The Netherlands. Finally, after years of thorough preparation the time had come: the site was ready, the buildings were complete and furnished. Hellabeem was ready to receive the first young men. In 2007, Hellabeem really went into business. Ever since then, Hellabeem has remained well known in the area.

Hellabeem has capacity for 30 young men who live several years at Hellabeem. Every year they stream in and out to start an independent future. Additionally Hellabeem provides training and courses for girls and women.

Disability is not inability
Previously we saw disabled children and young people begging on the streets. We thought that was awful and we wanted to do something about it. This is how our dream “Hellabeem” came to reality.

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